On to more positive things... my sister and her family were just home for a week and stayed with us. What fun! The kids all slept sound every night from playing so hard. The cousins really play well together, except for Reece and Jackson. Because Reece doesn't know how to share. So everything is "Mine!" At least she taught Jackson something, he now says "Mine!" too! I'm sure his parents are thrilled.
I wish the cousins could grow up together. But with them blissfully happy in Calgary and us the same here it's not going to happen. I guess I have to just get used to it. I grew up with my cousins. Some of us actually went to the same school. I still have a close relationship with them and such warm memories of Christmas and summer's off of school. But realistically speaking my kids won't have that on either side. Justin and Winter are in Ottawa and it's not looking promising that they'll call Regina home again. So we'll have to stay as close as we can being hundreds of miles apart, I guess.
Jackson having breakfast. Could you get any cuter? Yes you can, actually. I wish you could hear his raspy little voice.

Julian, Avery, Paige and Carter(Jason's niece and nephew) having a blast on the tire swing. Played and belly laughed at each other for over an hour. Watch for video coming soon!

Avery, Emma and Reece went to bed before Julian. He snuck upstairs ready to wake them up to play. His totally oblivious Aunt and parents didn't even hear him for quite some time. There is a video titled " MISSION: LET'S PLAY, GIRLS!!" coming soon!

Brandie, Carter, Emma and Reece with our Pirate Guide at the Pirate Party. We boarded a dragon boat on which Jackson serenaded us to the tune of "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" while we paddled over to Willow Island. Then we got onto the island, split off into two teams and searched for hidden treasure. The treasure was water guns which we proceeded to fill with lake water. Had a huge water fight, tons of fun and then paddled back to the park for pizza and more fun. Watch for videos of this event coming soon!

Avery and Emma with their mouths full of cotton candy. I got an opportunity to take them to Buffalo Days for a few short hours. What a blast. It's not easy having the cutest, best kids in the world at the fair with you. Everybody comments on how cute they are, how good they are. Sigh, the life of a mother with awesome kids! (okay you can all vomit now!)

Showing off their winnings!

Bohdan and his parents have arrived home for a visit and I will have more cute pics tomorrow!
G Out!
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