Well alot has happened since I last blogged. I got the job at Casino. It's alot less glorious than was anticipated. It does pay some of the bills, burns some calories and gets me out of the house. Avery started grade three with a bang. She can read and does read everything. Sometimes her brain amazes me. Emma started pre-school last fall and has surpassed most of the goals set forth by her teacher. Reece and I have three mornings a week together. She's the most entertaining two year old ever. She makes me belly laugh out loud at least once a day. Here she is with a yogurt facial. Obviously had time to give herself a yogurt facial when her mom
was busy neglecting her.
Jeff's doing extremely well with work. He's more and more like his dad everyday. He has the same work ethic and need to stay busy at all times. Thankfully for me, when I don't get to scrubbing the toilets, Jeff is there, maybe not enthusiastically but heh, it gets done. What a wierdo!!!
I'm in the process of starting a business! Ha!Ha! Between 3 kids, housework, driving kids to activities, two part time jobs and trying to run. I'm in the research stages right now. More news to come.
For those of you who don't know, my sister, Brandie has taken a permanent lead in number of children under 5. With her number totalling 4 handsome boys, I'm not the lease bit tempted to compete. Julian is 5, Jackson turned two on April 14 and on April 16 we welcomed Keaton and Kade into their new crazy and exciting world. Congratulations to the Kruses! You will have to write a survival guide, maybe in a couple of years!
P.S. This is Buster! Our newest addition!
The other Braaten's will be coming h
ome for a visit this summer. Hooray! Can't wait! Maybe this time we'll convince them to move home! Although I'm not holding my breath. But, really don't you want to Boh to leave near these cuties? You can't argue that one!!!!
Until next time.......